Monday, April 13, 2009

How Grads Can Complete in the Marketplace

It is just crazy all the great articles I am reading today. I decided to respond to this article because I am a new grad competing in the marketplace for a job and I have lots of new grad friends who I am sure could use the help.

Brenda Bence first emphasizes to focus on the emotional needs of the employer rather than the functional. You can do this by showcasing your willingness advantage. This means showing the employer that you are willingly to work extra hours and attend networking events to promote the company. Also emphasize your fresh perspective due to your ability to shape and mold to the company standards. Lastly, emphasize your ability to multi-task like answering the phone, texting, and booking an Outlook appointment in 5 minutes.

According to this article, an advantage of new grads is their tech suaveness. This includes your skills with computers, PhotoShop, uploading videos, and using different media sources at the same time. On the flip side, it is important to be aware of how you represent yourself on the different social media websites. Using your tech abilities is also a great advantage when researching a company and its employees on the various websites.

Networking is another advantage grads can use to find a job. According to the article, 80% of jobs are found through networking then career sites or using a headhunter. Also use your personal connections to find a career. Also try to attend networking events with your school. Lastly, it is emphasized to send a "Thank-You" note and do not immediately ask questions about salary or benefits (see my previous blog!)

Feel free to check out this article for yourself at

Do you agree with everything said?

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